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Improving User Flow

Challenge:  Creating a shift was a lengthy process in which the user had to first create a project and its details, then enter the shift and its details, and finally, order dispatch for the shift if necessary. This process involved several pages and a plethora of information to enter on each screen. 


My role:  UX Designer

The Team:  2 UX Designers, 3 UI/UX Developers

The Timeline:  2 weeks of design, 4 weeks of development and testing


The problem:  Administrators and users have to visit 3-4 screens from starting creation of a shift to completing the creation by ordering dispatch for the shift, and this creation functionality was nonexistent on the mobile application. 

The solution:  Combine the three screens into one screen with a logical process by using drawers and pop-ups, and mimic this new process in the mobile application.

User Pain Points

  • Navigation to several screens to accomplish task

  • Creating a shift requires creation of a project

  • Functionality was not available in the field (on the mobile app)

Solution Values

  • Utilize a single screen without compromising database

  • Seamlessly embed creating a project into the primary need of creating a shift

  • Mirror web app functionality and match with current style of mobile app

Design Process

Double Diamond Model - Design Thinking.png

My Role

Researched database and backend requirements for creating projects, shifts, and dispatch. Coordinated with Customer Success team about user needs and stories for project/shift creation. Created web and mobile mockups/wireframes while maintaining existing code. Advocated for step-wise process on mobile that follows the (database) steps needed to create the three components:  project first, shift second, dispatch third (and optional). 


Deliverables included:

  • Problem Research 

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Web Application Mockup

  • Mobile App Wireframe


Project-Shift Creation_Web.png
Create Job_Mobile.png
Create New Project_Mobile.png
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