Improving User Flow
Challenge: Creating a shift was a lengthy process in which the user had to first create a project and its details, then enter the shift and its details, and finally, order dispatch for the shift if necessary. This process involved several pages and a plethora of information to enter on each screen.
My role: UX Designer
The Team: 2 UX Designers, 3 UI/UX Developers
The Timeline: 2 weeks of design, 4 weeks of development and testing
The problem: Administrators and users have to visit 3-4 screens from starting creation of a shift to completing the creation by ordering dispatch for the shift, and this creation functionality was nonexistent on the mobile application.
The solution: Combine the three screens into one screen with a logical process by using drawers and pop-ups, and mimic this new process in the mobile application.
User Pain Points
Navigation to several screens to accomplish task
Creating a shift requires creation of a project
Functionality was not available in the field (on the mobile app)
Solution Values
Utilize a single screen without compromising database
Seamlessly embed creating a project into the primary need of creating a shift
Mirror web app functionality and match with current style of mobile app
Design Process
My Role
Researched database and backend requirements for creating projects, shifts, and dispatch. Coordinated with Customer Success team about user needs and stories for project/shift creation. Created web and mobile mockups/wireframes while maintaining existing code. Advocated for step-wise process on mobile that follows the (database) steps needed to create the three components: project first, shift second, dispatch third (and optional).
Deliverables included:
Problem Research
Competitive Analysis
Web Application Mockup
Mobile App Wireframe